Event – Sustainability Transformation to Net Zero


Tuesday 30 January
Warwick Geneva
Rue de Lausanne 14, 1201 Geneva

Transform your existing data
into an accurate carbon footprint!

Thanks to its Net Zero Cloud platform and robust collaboration tools, Salesforce facilitates the calculation of emission factors integrated into scopes 1 to 3 and allows you to create a single source of knowledge of your emissions.

Salesforce Net Zero Cloud provides footprint granularity while adapting to your business growth and regulatory requirements, including ISO standards. With end-to-end transparency and traceability, Salesforce Net Zero Cloud is a structuring tool for your sustainable approach and provides you with premium, audit-ready sustainability information.

17:30 : Doors open & welcome

18:00 : Pragmatic transition to Sustainability

  • Learn what the key challenges and best practices for a transition to Sustainability, and get insights on the regulations, especially for Swiss companies, by Jean Garandel, Managing Director at EcoEnergy Consult

18:30 : Demystify Salesforce Net Zero Cloud

  • Discover Net Zero Cloud in a demo tour mode, from context and what’s evolving in the industry, as well to how it works, it’s architecture and different modules, reference data, lower grain records, in-built automation, analytics and more, by Ines Garcia, Salesforce MVP Hall of Fame and get: Agile Founder

19:00 : Implement a Net Zero Cloud

  • Best practices, approach and methodology to implement a Net Zero Cloud platform quickly and efficiently, by Cyril Louis, Salesforce MVP and Mavericx CEO 

19:15 : Networking

  • After-event wrap-up and networking with drinks and food until late… 

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